Case Study 20 November 2018

Big Brand Ideas

Marketing agency enlists Fabric IT for whole agency IT Support.

Big Brand Ideas

Big Brand Ideas is a full-service marketing and engagement agency based in Macclesfield.

Moving IT provider after 6 years

Big Brand Ideas had a pre-existing relationship with their previous provider for 6 years. However growing from a small business with only 3 staff through to a full agency across 2 sites with over 50 staff, the previous provider wasn’t able to support such growth in a short space of time. Fabric IT came in to assist with the transition, providing the very best recommendations from current IT infrastructure right through to the logistics of the IT support.


Understanding the Business

Knowing how integral understanding the aims of the business was to Jon and the team at Big Brand Ideas, Fabric ensured that they got under the skin of what Big Brand Ideas were about and what their visions were for the future. Providing Big Brand Ideas with a strong platform for growth, Fabric IT have provided a scalable solution that will grow with the agency.



As Big Brand Ideas grew, so did their IT requirements. Their previous agency couldn’t handle the scale, so Fabric IT took the reigns. Watch Jon Butler, MD of Big Brand Ideas – discuss how seamless the transition was and their vision going forward.


Big Brand Ideas

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