Microsoft Office 365 News, News • 3 June 2019
What is Digital Transformation?
Re-imagine how you bring together; people, data and processes
Max Thompson, Systems Engineer, Fabric
Many businesses who fail to adapt to digital and technological enhancements are falling behind their digitally advanced competitors.
Digital transformation is the process of a business’s activities, competencies, methods and models to make use of the digital technologies which are available in the modern-day world. There are various ways that a business can make changes contributing to their digital transformation, some can be small, and some can be large.
Digital transformation can be achieved through software and hardware upgrades within a business; examples of this include transforming from Windows 7 operating system to Windows 10. On the 14th January 2020, Windows 7 will no longer be supported, this meaning Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or support PCs running Windows 7.
The best way your business can prepare for this is by upgrading PCs and laptops to Windows 10. By completing the upgrade, it will digitally transform business as it will provide enhanced capabilities such as a more significant storage capability, higher security for systems and overall improved user experience.
A digital strategy is also a significantly important factor in digital transformation. A digital strategy is focused on utilizing digital technologies to serve one group of people or one business department better. An example of an approach based on one group of people could be all employees will receive new laptops so they can work from home, instead of only having on-site desktop PCs. An example of a business group could be, all employees in the marketing sector of business will be given Microsoft Dynamics software; this would be to help them digitally market their business.
For more information about how you can Digitally Transform your business or Fabric 365, contact us here, or on 01625 443110