News • 13 March 2019
Tips on Staying Motivated at Work
Max shares his secrets on getting the job done!
Max Thompson, Systems Engineer, Fabric
Working in an industry as fast paced and ever changing as IT, it can sometimes be hard to keep yourself motivated due to tiredness and other factors. However, I have some useful tips and techniques which should help keep you alert and ready to attack the day!
Exercise and Diet
Firstly, getting regular exercise and eating a healthy balanced diet.
By giving your body the vitamins and nutrients that it requires, it will give you a physical and psychological boost.
When training in the gym, you can burn off steam and clear your head of potential stress that you may have faced during your busy day at work. A good tip for exercise is lifting weights. This gives you an empowering feeling and at times can make you feel like you are the main man/woman who’s going to make it happen and get the job done!
I am currently doing a degree apprenticeship in digital and technology solutions. To keep myself motivated during my time at university, I will often listen to some funky house music. This puts me at a mental advantage as when I’m at the rave listening to such music, I feel unstoppable. Transferring this unstoppable attitude into my studies brings obvious positive rewards and high achievements.
Another motivation strategy I’d recommend is to spend some time alone and think about what direction your life is currently going in. Self-reflection is a significantly important part of my motivational drive. To self-reflect, I will think about what things in my life are positive, where I am succeeding and what makes me feel up for it. However, just as importantly, I will think about the areas in my life in which I could do better. Focusing on improving myself to meet goals is what makes me get out of bed in the morning.
Have a go at perhaps one of my motivational tips and see if it works for you 🙂